Region created this ad-hoc to determine at what point the cost outweighs the benefit of having the CSO. Any other issues that come out of that will also be examined. Meeting ID: 892 1984 8564 Passcode: traditions
Region created this ad-hoc to determine at what point the cost outweighs the benefit of having the CSO. Any other issues that come out of that will also be examined. Meeting ID: 892 1984 8564 Passcode: traditions
Region created this ad-hoc to determine at what point the cost outweighs the benefit of having the CSO. Any other issues that come out of that will also be examined. Meeting ID: 892 1984 8564 Passcode: traditions
Fox Valley Policy & Administration present Lunch & Learn Lunch & Learn is learning day that will focus on group service from the NA The Group Booklet Revised. We will be going over the entire Information Pamphlet, Question & Anwers to all questions, as well as trusted servants sharing their experience with various service positions […]